Visionen (Group)
Marta Herford 2013
Locally casts and modifications as remakes of sky scrapers for Hamburg planned in the 3.Reich and not realized considering Albert Speer’s 'Theory of ruin value'
The American friend
Galerie Oelfrüh/Hamburg 2012
Locally casts and modifications as remakes of sky scrapers for Hamburg planned in the 3.Reich and not realized considering Albert Speer’s 'Theory of ruin value' combined with the slide installation 'Golden Gate' - the skyline of bombed-out Hamburg and a bridge planned by Hitler -, video ‘Ride ‘em Jewboy’ - a voiceover singing with a Western ballad by Kinky Friedman about the Shoa and motifs of Hamburg with historical connection to the Neuengamme Concentration Camp and its subsidiary camps in the industrial production facilities of Hamburg - and c-prints from the series 'Voigtländer' here: images from the building of Hamburg Hafen City
Peace in the Valley Once Again
Neuer Kunstverein Wuppertal 2011
In the ‘Adlershof’ district to the east of Berlin there lies the Johannisthal Airfield. Germany’s first airplanes took off from here in the beginning of the 20th Century. Facilities such as laboratories, motor testing beds, wind tunnels and hangars were built and were of high military importance during the Third Reich. After the Second World War the airport was closed down by the Red Army and became a self-regulating biotope for rare plants and animals. After the German reunion the ‘City of Science, Business, and Media’ was built on the site as a 65 ha sized natural reserve and landscape parc.
Waitin' Around To Die 
Kunstverein Braunschweig 2012
Märkisches Museum Witten 2010
O.T. Raum für aktuelle Kunst, Luzern 2008
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